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Safeguarding Template Policies and Guidance

National Safeguarding Guidance for Education Settings

Education settings are required to comply with national guidance and legislation. This includes:

  • Working Together to Safeguard Children outlines what individuals, organisations and agencies must do to protect children from harm and promote their welfare.
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education is statutory guidance for all staff working in schools and colleges which outlines their responsibilities to provide a safe environment in which children can learn. This guidance was last updated in June 2023 and applies from 1 September 2023.
  • Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework outlines the standards that school and childcare providers must meet for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5. This Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework is mandatory for all group and school-based early years providers1 in England from 4 January 2024.

KELSI is an online resource for education professionals in Kent. Provided by Kent County Council.  You can provide information related to child protection and safeguarding here Child protection and safeguarding - KELSI. Information can also be found on the Kent Safeguarding Children’s Multi-agency Partnership Home - Kent Safeguarding Children Multi-Agency Partnership (

Links to other national guidance which may be useful for DSLs and education leaders includes:

Professional Practice

Parental Responsibility

Information Sharing



Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI)

The Education Safeguarding Service produced a number of guidance documents for schools and settings in response to Covid-19 pandemic.  Please note, schools and settings should follow the current guidance; some of these documents are now archived but copies are still accessible and should be viewed as reference only.

Child Protection Policy Templates from the Education Safeguarding Service

Education settings must have a suite of effective safeguarding policies which describe the expectations, procedures and arrangements put in place to safeguard and promote children’s welfare; these policies should be updated at least annually, or whenever there is an update or change to local practice and/or national statutory guidance or legislation.

All members of the school/setting community should have access to these policies and all staff should sign to say they have read and understood its contents.

Our exemplar child protection policies have been developed in accordance with the key principles established in the Children Acts 1989 and 2004, related national statutory guidance and local procedures.

2024-25 Updates

The policy template content for 2024-25 was reviewed and published initially in July 2024, ready for use from 1 September 2024. In the 24-25 school policy template, where possible, new, moved and updated content for 2024-25 is highlighted in yellow. The 24-25 policy template for early years providers was updated and reordered throughout and we recommend settings use the updated document in full.

Please note, both template documents will be revisited in Autumn 2024 to reflect the restructure of the Education Safeguarding Service and County LADO Service. Schools, colleges and early years settings will need to keep their own policies under regular review and will be expected to update them when further information is available.

These documents are provided as a starting point and should be adapted by DSLs and leaders/managers to meet the specific requirements for their individual school or setting. Kent County Council make every effort to ensure that the information in our templates is accurate and up to date, however, ultimate responsibility for ensuring their individual policies are appropriate remains the responsibility of the school/college or setting leadership and management team. If errors are brought to our attention, we will correct them as soon as practicable.

Keeping Children Safe in Education requires schools and colleges to have “a staff behaviour policy which should, amongst other things, include: acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and communications, including the use of social media” and that schools and colleges "should have a clear policy on the use of mobile and smart technology." The EYFS requires early years providers to "implement a policy and procedures to safeguard children ...must... cover the use of mobile phones and cameras in the setting."

As well as embedding online safety content within our child protection policy templates, the Education Safeguarding Service provides specific policy templates for education settings to adapt. These templates can be embedded within existing policies or as part of a standalone online safety policy approach according to leadership decisions. Our templates provide a basis for leaders and managers to assist them in writing an effective policy, however, they will require adaptation to ensure they reflect the settings context, technology use and individual policy decisions.

2023-24 Updates

The policy template content for 2023-24 was reviewed and published in August 2023 following the publication of KCSIE 2023 and EYFS 2023. Where possible, new, moved, condensed, and updated content is highlighted in yellow.

The Education Safeguarding Service make every effort to ensure that the information in our templates is accurate and up to date. If errors are brought to our attention, we will correct them as soon as practicable.

AUP Posters

Additional Templates, Guidance and Resources from the Education Safeguarding Service

Other optional template resources are also available to support DSLs and leaders in educational settings.

Please contact the Education Safeguarding Service to discuss queries regarding our policy templates and guidance.