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Setting Up Out Of School Provision For Schools

Audience: Governors, Business and Wraparound Managers, Headteachers
  • Foundation
Setting up Out of School Provision for Schools

This webinar is designed to support schools on their journey in setting up high quality, inclusive and sustainable out of school provision. It will help the school to explore different childcare models providing guidance on the requirements of running the provision directly by the school or the process involved if the school wishes to advertise for an external provider.

This webinar also contains information on market research, business and financial matters, the environment and play opportunities, statutory requirements and policies/procedures as well as providing details of how to support inclusive practice with children in Kent, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

  • An insight into the value of market research in establishing demand for the provision.
  • An overview of the different childcare model options to enable schools to make an informed decision as to which best suits them and their families.
  • How to ensure effective business planning and financial management.
  • Exploration of ways schools can help parents with the affordability of childcare whilst maintaining the long-term sustainability of the provision.
  • Tools to provide enhanced play opportunities.
  • Increased knowledge of wrapround policies and procedures.
  • Enabling practitioners to become more self-aware and reflective.
  • How to develop a celebratory approach to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).

Delegates will gain the knowledge and skills required to proceed with either setting up a high quality, inclusive out of school provision themselves or advertising for an external provider to operate on their behalf.

  • Deciding what type of wraparound provision to set up and the benefits of different types of childcare models.
  • Effective market research, business planning and financial management.
  • Support for parents through government subsidies.
  • How to set up high quality wraparound provision including guidance on staffing, the environment, health, safety and policies and procedures.
  • Supporting inclusive practice with children in Kent, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Please note, this webinar is designed for schools. If you are from a non-school provider, please click the button to be taken to the webinar designed for you.