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New Headteacher Induction: SEND

Audience: Primary, Secondary
Single session
  • All

Brief Overview

Session 2 with Ruth Gately and Louise Agley - What Headteachers Need To Know About SEND

This session is part of the KCC Induction programme which is a key component of the Kent Leadership strategy and an important way of supporting leaders’ development.  The programme is aimed at all new Headteachers in Kent and is relevant to Primary, Secondary and Special Schools.

The programme is comprised of a sequence of six sessions which take place termly. It is flexible allowing Headteachers to join at any point over the year.

This half-day session will be split into two main parts: the first will include an informal tour and learning walk around the host school; this will offer an opportunity to showcase different settings and share practice. The second will include training by the key speaker who will take you through the essential ‘need to knows’ in terms of statutory practice and expectations; this will also include time to ask any questions that are particularly pertinent to you and your individual setting.

Learning Outcomes

This session will focus on the offer of a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum for all learners. It will raise the question of whether your school is inclusive by design or on demand and at what stage your school may be on their inclusion journey by delving into:

  • The national and local SEND picture.
  • What is meant by an inclusive curriculum.
  • How as leaders you can empower staff to meet the needs of all learners.
  • The importance of all staff having the responsibility for SEND.
  • Meeting the expectations set out in the inspection framework.



  • Session - 20/11/2024 08:30  -  12:30

Event Type

Face 2 Face



Delivered by

  • Fran Rusbridge